Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Prayer Request Online

Prayer Request

A few years ago this writer was placed in a challenging predicament. A close friend had suddenly become disenfranchised and there was hardly anyone willing to provide assistance. As this person lived a considerable distance it was not possible to be there constantly. I began to send non-perishable food and cash via the postal system.

Unfortunately the funds were beginning to run dry so it became necessary to use credit and pray that it didn't drag me into the gutter alongside.

At first I sent money and packages of food to the postal box he was able to retrieve mail from. In the end, 4 credit cards were maxed out and over 6000 dollars spent. There was little else I could do at that point so, reaching to my religious roots,

I searched the internet for sites in Jerusalem which would accept a prayer request. Honestly I didn't know what to believe; if someone would fall into such a predicament to start with... Could a prayer request actually be a panacea or "cure all" to such ills?

Nevertheless, since I found many websites and which were created just for the remittance of such things; and so I decided to send a prayer request through each of them. In fact to a single one, which offered to read and post a prayer request daily at the western wall in Jerusalem, I sent many.
Perhaps ironically, through and act of faith; or simply perseverance and tenacity on the part of my friend, things began to change. He was soon hired as a pianist for a European tour with some famous Jazz musicians and has been riding on thin air ever since.

While it's impossible to prove that such a miracle was attributable entirely to the faculties of prayer, it's quite evident that it most certainly didn't hurt. I would use this prayer request service, and many others regularly if the need were to arrive.

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