Monday, January 30, 2017

Support for Israel - Israel’s Heart

Israel is a renewed promise and the land of promise. Israel is an island of freedom in a sea of oppression and war. Despite the intense pressures of defending all of its citizens, it shows a heart and sense of charity that strain its resources. People of conscience of all faiths should seek to provide support for Israel through donating to The Land’s many charities.

Israel: a land of opportunity for all.
Israel has been under attack since the day of its re-establishment in 1948. Enemies from outside and inside The Land constantly work to make life a dangerous undertaking for all. Yet Israel survives and thrives as a land where the desert blooms and innovation flourishes. Israel is “Start-Up Nation #1”. All who endeavor to succeed, Jew or Christian, immigrant and Arab, all have equal opportunity to work and earn. But realistically, a nation of 8.2 million has only so many resources and defense takes much of them. Here the giving nature of Israel excels. Support for Israel can take many forms: the needs of Holocaust survivors, orphans, poor and needy, Lone Soldiers (usually new immigrants in the IDF who have no families with whom to share leave time Sabbath) and for even the Syrian victims of that nearby tragedy.

Helping Israel to help those it protects and serves.
Israel’s nonprofits, charities and general giving by its population exceed the accomplishments of other nations’. Israel’s generosity exceeds its borders in missions to other nations for disaster relief. Israel sets the standard for charity and giving and its charities deserve support from persons of conscience worldwide. Support for Israel in its time of need as it faces down the United Nations, its one-time friends, and its enemies all at once, is a call to duty we all should answer.

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